Rich or Vishu

What Are the Best Totally Random Presidential Quotes?

August 10, 2023 Rich Beadon and Vishu Sharma Season 1 Episode 6

The words spoken by a president carry profound importance, as they can inspire unity, influence foreign relations, and shape the beliefs, actions, and direction of an entire nation. A president’s words can also be profoundly unimportant, especially if no one cares about the subject being discussed, or if what the president said was just kind of lame. 

In this episode, Rich and Vishu evaluate completely random quotes from U.S. presidents and decide if each quote is good or lame. The quotes being evaluated could be profoundly important, profoundly unimportant, or somewhere inbetween. After evaluating the quotes, Rich and Vishu review all the quotes they both liked, and decide which of those quotes is the best.